This is the first of a multi-part series, as I’ve been blessed and fortunate to have picked up a few ‘nuggets’ over the years. Hopefully, some of these might resonate with our readers.

My path and approach aren’t complex. They do require constant and continual self-evaluation & self-introspection. The learnings along the way have forced me to face mistakes that I’ve made (and continue to make) and things that I don’t like about myself.

Committed personal growth is not for the faint of heart. Patience is not the antithesis of drive, motivation and striving to be the best that I can be, especially for others. Patience gives me the opportunity to ‘read the field’ and more often than not, make more informed and better decisions.

 So, here we go, starting with my basics:

FAITH: It’s my rock and foundation. With statistics showing that 80+% of life is outside of our control, my faith must be strong. Several years ago, Edith Cunnane, founder of St. Patrick Center, shared what kept her going during the very tough early years of her devotion to the homeless; “Trust God’s Path”. When things get tough for me, I’m reminded of the wisdom that Edith kindly shared.

FAMILY: You’d better get this one right. Family is first for me. I went through a painful (is there any other kind?) divorce when my daughter, Kennedy, was 18-months old. I committed to her, passing up multiple promotions and geographic moves to remain close to Kennedy and IN her life. I’m now blessed to be re-married for 15+ years to my best friend, Sara, who brought with her a wonderful daughter, Kaitlin. Anyone thinking they can compartmentalize family from work, and vice-versa, is woefully deceiving themselves. All of life is intricately intertwined.

Fun fact; over the past 15 years and to this day, Sara and I still leave daily voicemails & texts on our way to work, wishing each other a great day, highlighting the previous day or evening and reinforcing why we’re excited to see each other at the end of the day.

FRIENDS: Surround yourself with people who add value to your ‘self’. Get rid of anyone who brings you down or is a jerk. Life’s too short to put up with other people’s BS. I am constantly reviewing the names of people who I know, reconnecting with them because they ‘feed me’, whether they know it or not. This is reciprocal, as I want to add value to every conversation and leave people feeling that the time together was well-spent from their perspective.

HEALTH: The saying that ‘your body is your temple’ is not a misnomer. Take care of your body and your mind. They’re intertwined and ignoring one puts the other at risk. I work out 5-6 days per week. I read. I listen to podcasts. I carve out the time. The better that I feel physically and mentally, the better I am for others.

RECHARGE: Again, carve out the time! I read a quote shared recently by my friend, Lizzy Uthoff; “If you don’t pick a day to relax your body (and mind), your body will pick it for you”. As a collegiate athlete, I worked out 2-3 times/day every day. During a 3-month period without a break, I began losing strength in the weight room and endurance on the field. A friend told me to take a week off. I did, and came back stronger than ever. Lesson learned…

Whether it’s taking a walk, crocheting, reading non-fiction, practicing martial arts…know what your ‘escapes’ are and incorporate them regularly into your life.

This is just a beginning. Patience requires my constant and conscious attention. I look forward to sharing more in our next blog.

Mark Grieman
CEO at ROI Search Partners