A new year is a time of reflection and often an opportunity to consider what to start, stop and continue doing. As a team, we thought about what 2021 looked like for us personally and professionally, and how we can use what we learned and experienced to focus forward in 2022.

We asked our team to think about moments that really stood out to them. Some may resonate with you:

  • Something you are really proud of
  • Something someone said to you
  • Something that challenged you
  • Something that changed you
  • Something you are really thankful for
  • Something you learned
  • Something you know you will always remember

What follows are some highlights and learnings from our team members:

Something that challenged me:
Personally – my kids (mini adults) always challenge me – mostly in good ways.  This year, my daughter found her passion for advocacy and social justice. She pushed me to reconsider my silence as acceptance and to speak up more often. I pushed her to use her voice in ways that could impact change, and to do thorough research (an ongoing challenge for sure). I have learned so much from her and it has opened my eyes even more so to how others may feel and perceive the world and all of its situations.

Something that changed me:
Professionally – watching our clients provide mental and emotional health solutions to their employees during this unprecedented time. I have always been an advocate for mental health and self-care, and I felt like this year, we saw the creativity and responsiveness of our clients as they worked to support their people, and to offer them multiple avenues of support.
At a national level, it was nice to see mental health discussed easily and openly, and I feel that some of the stigma around therapy, medication and counseling has faded. Which was long overdue!  

Something I am really thankful for:

I am very grateful to be part of a team that has shown great resilience over the past couple of challenging years. We’ve changed and adapted and have been able to positively impact so many clients and candidates.

Something I am most proud of:
I am proudest of all the lives our team positively impacts year over year.  The connections we make are directly linked to our purpose as individuals and as a team. 

Something I am most proud of:

Each and every time I get feedback from clients and candidates reaffirming that our work continues to change lives in a positive way.Something I will always remember:
Being able to spend 10 days with my dad talking, hanging out & laughing before he passed away in September

Something that changed me:

I learned to embrace flexibility! Things don’t always go as planned and it’s important to be able to adapt when unexpected changes/events occur. I also made time to talk about something positive that happens each day as there is so much that is out of our control. And lastly, always be kind! You do not always know what someone else is carrying.

Some resources for you
Now enough about us, we know there is a lot on your mind too! Here are a few articles that may be helpful as you refocus in the new year.

Read on to learn what some HR professionals hope to accomplish on the job in 2022:
HR Pros Share 2022 New Year’s Resolutions (shrm.org)

Where there is challenge there is also great opportunity. Read on to learn how some business leaders are stepping into a new era of growth and success in 2022 and beyond.
Challenges Business Leaders Need To Be Prepared For In 2022 And Beyond (forbes.com)

We are looking forward to partnering with you to tackle these challenges and achieve success in the new year!