A year of learning and growing

2020 was a year of unprecedented change and unrest in our world and even right here in our community.  In June we shared how we as individuals, as a company, and by our work in the community we would do better to work towards lasting change.  Since then we have done a lot of listening, learning, gathering with local HR and business leaders and sharing of resources to start dialogue around how we might create more diverse, equitable and inclusive hiring practices and work to attract and retain diverse talent in the St. Louis area.  We furthered this discussion by learning more about implicit bias with personal stories and actionable follow up from Nikki McGruder, MU Health Care Director of Diversity and Inclusion. We have committed to continuing these important and many times uncomfortable conversations and hope that you will join us on this journey to bridge differences in our workplaces and our community. 

A different way to think about diversity, equity and inclusion

In a recent interview with the St. Louis Business Journal, Fred Falker shared that bridging differences requires a new way of thinking. When asked what doesn’t work about the current model he responded, “The DEI movement right now is not designed to create relationships in organizations. It was never designed to do that. It was designed to create more fairness, based on the idea we’re divided by differences. … That’s the reason these programs don’t result in people being connected as human beings. They’re teaching us how to deal with being divided.”  

Take some time to learn more about Fred and understand how you might go about building connections and relationships in your organization and in our community.  This simple notion and suggestion reminds us of a quote that we believe to be so true:

The shortest distance between two people is a story.

-Patti Digh 

Highlighting our clients and non profit organizations

2020 was a trying year for many, and we wanted to find a way to give back in a meaningful way to our clients and our community. Typically as a team we would volunteer throughout the year, but some of these opportunities were limited due to COVID-19. So like many of you, we pivoted. We reached out to several very good clients and asked what non profit was special to them. We then made year-end donations in each client’s respective name. You will learn more about each of these organizations in the coming months as we share both the mission of the client and the non profit they selected. 

This month we are recognizing John Lyday, Chief Human Resources Officer with Bunzl Distribution and Jim Fox, Chief Financial Officer with Colibri Group for choosing to support the Urban League of Metro St. Louis.

Our commitment of humble excellence to our clients, candidates and community remains unchanged in the New Year, and we look forward to growing stronger together.

The mission of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality and civil rights. Learn more about their programs and services and how you can get involved to be the change you wish to see!

We are looking forward to partnering with you to hire and develop key talent! 

Get to know our story, our services and what makes us different. 

You will quickly learn that we are not your typical recruiting agency – we are humble, hardworking, creative and collaborative. We are committed to the success of our clients and candidates. We are transparent, authentic, and dedicated to improving the lives of everyone we come into contact with and we want you to come back to us again and again!